From a subtle mix of AI and spatial applications, our experts are now able to anticipate climate risks on a small scale. This is done on a worldwide basis and leads to tailored physical and economical assessment for clinical ways of adaptation means!

 Inventors of a world acclaimed climate index or UCIX, allowing to assess climate risks, an Adaptation Warning System (AWS) is to be launched this year, so that cities, real-estate organizations and industries at large will be able  to find solutions when facing climate variability and change.

Among partners and
customers are

Integrating climate
data into the DNA
of every city in the world!

The cities represent 3% of the globe surface and more than 66% of Greenhouse Gas emissions. They are at the heart of global and climate economies, they are affected by climate change but also contribute to it!

The Climate Company finds & develops solutions based on scientific & technical research that enable all city authorities (public or private sectors) to anticipate the exposure to climate risks on small scales on short and medium terms and to assess the intensity and frequency of these risks.

Uncover the Copernicus program witch allows to get data and analytical models feeding the indicises of Tthe Climate Company.

The Climate Company analyzes global climate change, regional influences and the impacts of human activity on the urban atmosphere and more broadly on the climate of cities.

The objectives are to characterize & anticipate the physical climatic phenomena such as urban heat islands, floods, air pollution, soil drought … at urban micro-scale, adaptation of cities and peri-urban areas to climate change, the mobilization of all sectors of activity that contribute to the development of urban areas.

All of the results delivered by TCC, from ranking to climate urban adaptation, participated at the 100% level to the european taxonomy, CSRD, BREEAM certificate and/or PNACC (version 3).

Collectivité publique

Local organizations

Local organizations

Our solutions for local organizations & governments
  • Detailed mapping of exposures to climate risks (UHI, floods…) for a city and underlining the districts under higher risks.
  • Simulating the impacts of future urban development projects on the local climate.
  • Scientific contribution to the implementation of climate & local urban plans.
Bâtisseur de villes, constructeur

Cities developers,
real-estate groups
and real-estate developpers

Cities developers, real-estate groups and real-estate developpers

Our solutions for city’s developers, real-estate groups, circulation experts (bridges, beltways…)
  • Assessing future climatic hazards in urban areas (soil drought, extreme heat, flood…).
  • Simulating the upcoming impacts from new construction on the local climate.
  • Optimizing the Research & Development in terms of new techniques and materials to be used in the climate change context.
Gestionnaire d'actifs immobiliers

Industrialists, real-estate asset manager,
banks and insurances

Industrialists, real-estate asset manager, banks and insurances

Our solutions are also for companies in charge of managing real-estate, bankers, insurers, re-insurers, ISR and ESG.
  • Anticipating the exposures to climate risks for real-estate asset anywhere in the world for the next 20 years and 50 years.
  • Selecting the highest risks among the given exposures.
  • Projecting year by year the risk for the upcoming 10 years, with ranking levels.
  • Consolidating the respect of norms & the compliance audit.

A platform with
a brand-new index

By becoming a client or a partner of The Climate Company, two brand-new informations concerning the economy of climate will be made available for you:


The MY CLIMATE platform: a unique, personal and secured space for viewing UCIX indexes calculated according to your needs. This is a privileged access to all the calculations, scientific and statistical reports and figures made for you.



The UCIX index & its solutions are based on statistical analyses using historical and real-time data. This “index” enables to provide a precise benchmark of exposure to climate risks at an urban micro-scale of a neighborhood or a building, it takes into account climatic and anthropogenic parameters over a period of more than 40 years.


A winning team from COP 21, from the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea, having received the 2022 Bulles Cardin Prize « Green Innovation & Research Award »

Ministère de l'environnement, de l'énergie et de la mer

The Climate Company is a worldwide project involving experts from space applications and climate dynamics. It is the result of Research & Development work from the owner of methods and algorithms (Green Origin Holding).

Member of

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